Bitstream - Maps - Crowdford

Bitstream - Maps - Crowdford


"Bring the world back to life!"

Bitstream is a Metroid-vania/Complete the monument adventure map. In it, you will explore the ruins of a fallen civilization and bring it back to life as you progress.

Throughout the world, you will find weapons and tools to use in combat, and key items that offer powerful and smooth mobility options and will enable to reach every corner of the empire.

There are 4 main objectives to collect and place in the core, and 15 bonus collectables you can find around the island.


You can submit a video of a speedrun of this map on our discord here or in the comments on this page. Runs need to be on the latest version of the map.


An Asometric & gibbsly Project

Full Credit:

Asometric: Builds & Game Design

Gibbs: Resources & Functionality


In the comment section you can leave a comment about a map, or ask any questions you might have. Please keep them civil; all comments are reviewed before publishing, so they may take some time to appear on the website.


1. Please keep the discussion mature; if your comment is deemed as inappropriate it will not be published.

2. Having a different opinion or negative feedback is fine, but please be respectful while writing it - aim for constructive criticism.

3. Bugs, problems and questions can be sent here, but usually getting a response is faster via our Discord server:

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