Debtor's Depths - Maps - Crowdford

Debtor's Depths - Maps - Crowdford

Debtor's Depths

"A debt is owed, dive deep to repay it."

A vast debt is owed and there’s only one way you can think of to earn the coin that fast: Siren’s Trench. Deep in these abandoned waters lies untold fortune and boundless danger.

Explore the 8 increasingly otherworldly biomes of the Trench, sinking ever further as your heavy diving suit hinders you from swimming back upwards. Will you strike it rich? Or will you perish like the many before you.

Fight monsters with unique equipment and powerful upgrades, breaking their spawners to dive deeper in this Complete The Monument adventure. Collect valuable gems which serve as your objective to repay your debt! This map features custom swimming, breath, items and more area-specific mechanics. It has a heavy focus on enabling you to feel immersed in the cold waters below.

Good luck! Don’t forget to breathe.


A RockNRed & Tris Project

Full Credit:


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