"Enter the shadows!"
Overshadow is a fast-paced PvP minigame with abilities and a unique movement gimmick. You can enter the shadows to maneuver through obstacles and past opponents. There are two gamemodes available: Elimination and Hoard.
✧ Elimination
In this mode, you eliminate players on the opposing team to score points. Points are rewarded at the end of a round to the team that has any players remaining. Alternatively, if the 2-minute timer expires, the team with fewer deaths gains a point. The team to get to the configured points to win value wins the game.
✧ HoardIn this gamemode players drop points on death. You can take the points that players drop and bank them on your team's capture point. Your team's capture point is signified by a concrete platform of your team's color. To bank points, sneak on the capture point for 2 seconds. If you hold onto enough points, when you bank them, you can gain bonus points.
✧ AbilitiesIn the map you can also select two abilities. An active, and a passive one. Below you can find a list of abilities, active ones in the top row and passive ones below.

There's also a variety of items. They are split into the categories Throwables, Consumables and Utilities.

A Vertex Creations Project
Full Credit:
Functions/Resources by: gibbsly
Builds by: Asometric, EyeCloud, hentor5, DutchMC, and wrigglygiggly
Trailer/Logo by: Ds43m
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