Tyrant's Lament - Maps - Crowdford

Tyrant's Lament - Maps - Crowdford

Tyrant's Lament

Dropped it
Dropped it
Heavy Load
Heavy Load
Moon Rise
Moon Rise
Box and Boulder
Box and Boulder

"Laborious and Futile!"

Tyrant's Lament is a roguelite where your goal is to push a boulder up a procedurally generated mountain. Every day a new mountain is generated for you to conquer.

While you may see it as menial, it is in fact very rewarding to push boulders up hills. Doing so you can earn Credits to open crates or to water your tree! You can also earn credits by diligently checking in!

Opening crates is a great way to spice up the boulder pushing experience! You can unlock new purely cosmetic skins for your boulder to make your daily responsibility all that more exhilarating! There are 6 tiers of skins that you can unbox; common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, and the ever elusive RAINBOW, as well as a rare chance to boost your stamina! Unlock them all for the ultimate reward, a feeling of satisfying accomplishment!

Watering your tree is a perfect way to build a bond with your own personal commitment to your never ending mission. If you are committed enough you may be rewarded with some flowers and grass growing around the base of the tree, and with dedicated watering you may even gain stamina from your tree blossoming!

Just remember that you are in charge of your own retribution, and with enough hard work you may one day be liberated from this load you have beared.


A Crowdford Project

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